About REAP Marlborough
Our vision
Thriving and resilient communities.
Our mission
REAP Marlborough will respond and adapt to support our communities
through developing trusted partnerships.
Our values
Our story
REAP Marlborough was established in 1979 and from then has striven to become the Marlborough community’s “go-to hub” for courses and support for the education of our rural (and often very isolated) residents and also those who reside in and nearer to Blenheim, Renwick, and Picton, our larger communities.
Our objective has been to identify gaps in the provision of education for rural communities (for all ages) and develop strategies to fill the gaps either through REAP-facilitated programmes or in collaboration with other providers.
REAP Marlborough supports Early Childhood Education, schools, tertiary and Adult Community Education, as well as transitions between these levels. The focus is on gaps in opportunities for education
resulting from geographical isolation and isolation relating to age, disability,
language, or other factors.
REAP Marlborough promotes community development, integrating education and
the provision of information with activities in other sectors including health, social
services, community organisations and local government. REAP Marlborough can
act as the independent initiator and/or facilitator of community change but more
commonly works collaboratively with other agencies.
Our region
Our area of coverage extends from French Pass/Ōkiwi Bay in the North to Kaikōura
in the South, and from Molesworth, Wairau, and Waihopai Valleys in the West to the
East coastline. This area includes Blenheim and Picton and residents from these
towns are welcome to engage with our services. We pride ourselves on the many
connections with the smaller communities within these boundaries.
Other services
REAP Marlborough's spacious meeting room is available to local non-profits and school groups for meetings, workshops, and online job interviews.
For availability and pricing, please contact our administrator, Amy - admin@reapmarlborough.co.nz or 03 578 7848
(learning; everyone is a learner)
(mutual respect, integrity, and kindness)

Sharon Blount – Chief Executive Officer | Kaiwhakahaere Matua
Sharon has an education management background, ranging from Operations & Compliance Manager at Onsite Viticulture in Blenheim, Alternative Education Coordinator in the Hawkes Bay, MOE Principal Advisor Secondary Transitions Napier and most recently Operations Manager of the Whitireia & WelTec Schools of Creativity & Hospitality and campuses in central Wellington and now happily back “home” in Blenheim. Sharon has a passion for helping those who are finding the secondary to tertiary transition a challenge and is looking forward to expanding the REAP offerings.

Tracy Bateman - Education Coordinator/Secondary School Liaison
Tracy joined our team at the end of 2023, having accepted a newly created role as Education Coordinator/Secondary School Liaison. Tracy returned to Marlborough to be closer to family in June of 2023 and now lives on a lifestyle block in Flaxborne/Ward. Tracy is the kaitiaki of several horses, sheep, goats, chooks, and bees. Tracy has a full and colourful resume, with her most recent role being in an administration role with the NZ Police for 4.5 years. Tracy is delighted to be back in sunny Marlborough and excited about the coming year with REAP Marlborough.

Shona Winter - Education Team, Community
Shona joined Reap Marlborough in January 2022 as our Adult & Community Education
Shona moved from Christchurch with her husband Mike last year to be closer to their daughter, son-in-law, and mokopuna who also live here in Blenheim. Shona loves being close to them and supporting them as whānau is everything to her. Shona grew up in a large Māori whānau and most live in the Nelson/Tasman region so it's lovely to be close to them. Prior to this, Shona lived in Hokitika for over 30 years and worked as a librarian for 28 years. It was her dream job and she loved how technology is always changing and that gives her an opportunity to continue learning. Libraries are the hub of the community and they are more than just books and finding information. A big part of Shona's library role was to teach digital literacy to the community, support, and train others to use a wide range of technology, and to promote and run digital literacy programmes. Shona is very passionate about helping people and helping them grow through education.
For Adult and Community Education enquiries, email ace@reapmarlborough.co.nz

Renee Wood - Education Team, Kaikōura
Renee is the ACE coordinator for the Kaikōura region, based at Te Hā o Mātauranga at 14 Ludstone Road, Kaikōura.

Sara Harwood - Literacy & Numeracy Support
Sara has lived in Linkwater for the last six years and has fallen in love with Picton, so she is excited to join the education team as we expand into Picton. Sara has been an adult teacher for over 25 years; she has worked all of her adult life helping other people. Sara started working for REAP Marlborough in 2022, teaching the theory for Learner Licences, and then taking on literacy and numercy tutoring.

Selena Tonks - ECE / Primary Schools Facilitator
Selena is an experienced educator with a background in primary teaching and leadership. Much of her teaching career has been in small and rural schools.
Selena moved to Marlborough in 1987 to take up her first teaching position at Bohally Intermediate. Apart from teaching stints in Rangiora and North Carolina USA, she has called Marlborough home ever since.
Selena joined REAP Marlborough as Adviser to Schools in 2019, coming from her position as principal at Grovetown School. Prior to 2019, she was seconded to the part time position of ‘Visiting Fellow’ for REAP Marlborough for 2 years. Selena is an active member of the Marlborough Principals Association and part of their executive team.
In a voluntary capacity, Selena is a trustee for Life Education in Marlborough and the Education Support Mentor for their educator. She is also a volunteer for Red Cross, assisting with the resettlement of former refugees in Blenheim.
Andy (Andrea) Navarro - Education Team
Andy has recently joined the Schools & ECE team to facilitate the activities for tamariki that have been planned for 2023, including Haere Au ki te Kura (our transition to school programme for 4-year-olds), Slackers Line activities, and a range of art classes.
"I am originally from Mexico. I came to New Zealand in 2016 and worked in early childhood centres in Wellington. I hold a Masters degree in fine art and I run art workshops for children."
Andy is currently on maternity leave (as of May 2024)
Please email primary-related enquiries to Selena - selena@reapmarlborough.co.nz - and ECE-related enquiries to ece@reapmarlborough.co.nz
Other schools-related enquiries should be directed to Tracy - tracy@reapmarlborough.co.nz

Te Akau Moanaroa - Cultural Advisor / Admin Support ACE & MOE
(Bio Coming Soon.....)
Our Committee
Alistair Shorn (Chair)
Amber McNamara
Allie Shaw
Louisa Murray
Sue Walbran
Erika Te Whiu
Andras Kovacs
Annual Reports
Our 2023 Annual Report was delivered at REAP Marlborough's AGM in May, 2024.
We invite you to view our annual reports as displayed below:
Strategic Plan
Our 2022 - 2024 Strategic Plan details REAP Marlborough's strategic priorities, expected outcomes, plans for how we will achieve those outcomes, and indicators of success.
Other REAP Centres
There are 12 other REAP centres around Aotearoa. All REAPs specialise in core work across adult and community education, early childhood education, schooling,
and parenting.