Adult & Community Education
REAP Marlborough provides support, advice, programmes and development through the Tertiary Education ACE Funding to community groups and individuals, with their aims of strengthening social cohesion, raising foundation skills and targeting learners whose initial learning was unsuccessful.
We are part of local, regional and national networks of ACE and Tertiary Providers.
The priorities of ACE funding are for programmes that:
Improve employability
Promote social and cultural inclusion and participation
Raise foundation skills (literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy)
Improve health and wellbeing
pathways into other learning opportunities that meet community learning needs
Courses we have run in the past
Advanced defensive driving
Barista skills
Basic accounting for small business
Breathing for wellness
Confidence in trailer backing
Confidence with power tools
Defibrillator information and use
Driving mentoring
First aid
If you think of a course topic that we're not currently offering, please email

Introduction to Canva
Introduction to social media for small business
Introduction to woodwork
Microsoft Excel for beginners
NZ Sign Language
Spanish language – beginners and intermediate
Te Reo Māori – beginners and intermediate
Toddler first aid